
I.T. Strategic Planning

There’s no getting around it – I.T. is a major part of every business. You need I.T. but it’s not what you do. You can’t do it all in-house but you can’t out-source the whole thing either. You need a Strategy.

PKPM Consulting can help you create an I.T. Strategy that makes sense for your business. In-source, out-source, Cloud, infrastructure, applications, customer service, custom development … and on an on. You need some combination that makes sense and the last thing you want to have to do is worry about it. Because I.T. is not your core business. It just has to work.

Project Portfolio Management

Project Management does NOT help you decide what projects to do. Project Portfolio Management does. But how do you do it? You need to see the right information in the context of the strategic direction of the company. Then you can compare projects and choose which ones to work on now. It sounds easy but it's not. 

If you do this right – every employee in the company will be engaged in meaningful work that contributes to the future success of the company. And you can stop working on projects that do not provide current revenue or future value.

Project Management

Every organization must execute projects but many organizations do not have the time or Project Managers on staff to run them properly. Skilled Project Managers and sound Project Management processes are required. At PKPM Consulting we have developed a project approach that draws on the key principles of the PMBoK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) and Agile PM methodologies – and we focus on delivery.

Procurement (

Buying services for your business can be complicated, time-consuming, expensive and risky. You are entering into a relationship with another company that directly affects YOUR ability to provide services to YOUR customers. So you have to get it right. You require expertise in stakeholder management, requirements gathering, documentation, procurement processes, organizational evaluation, finance, and contracting. Precision Procurement (A PKPM Consulting company) has the expertise to help you buy the right services for your company.